beachyogaWeight Loss Retreats

Nour­ish mind, body and soul from the tran­quil sur­rounds of our enchant­ing island. Our unique weight loss retreats allow you to bask in the lux­ury of one of our stun­ning four bed­room vil­las and kick­start a new way of life towards a hap­pier, health­ier you.

Your own per­sonal chef will be on hand each day to cre­ate fresh, sump­tu­ous and sat­is­fy­ing meals espe­cially designed to boost the metab­o­lism and pro­mote safe, sus­tain­able weight loss.

Take advan­tage of your increased energy lev­els with our included range of yoga and body sculpt classes — before fill­ing your lungs with reen­er­gis­ing sea air as you hike around Antigua’s beau­ti­ful hid­den spots.

How about bring­ing some friends — or even mak­ing it a fam­ily affair? Our Sum­mer Slim­mer pack­ages allow you and up to seven guests to enjoy deli­cious, health-​conscious food and invig­o­rat­ing work­outs from the pri­vacy of any of our prop­er­ties for US$7,500 (plus the price of accom­mo­da­tion).

Your revi­talised lifestyle doesn’t have to end when the hol­i­day does. Our expertly tai­lored retreats include an indi­vid­ual exer­cise sched­ule and DVD to take with you when you return home refreshed, reju­ve­nated and ready to reveal the new you.